What size sign post clip do I need?
Selecting the correct size anti-rotational sign post clip is vital when installing post and panel signage.

Post and panel sign blanks are most commonly installed to upright sign posts using anti-rotational sign post clips , They are a simple, economic and very effective sign fixing that is widely used across the UK for a number of sectors most notably national highways and road signs, but also facilities management, house building sites and commercial signage projects.
What type of sign blanks accept sign post clips?
Sign post clips are suitable for mounting any sign blank featuring an aluminium sign channel attached to its back. This channel can be secured either with structural bonding tape or flush rivets. Fortunately, all varieties of sign channels available in the UK are standardised for use with anti-rotational sign post clips. The same sign clips can be used in small , medium, interlocking and large sign channel.
How to measure your sign post to choose the right clip?
Sign clips are sold per post diameter sizing. So the outside diameter of a post will match the size of the clip being sold. For example a 76mm sign clip will fit a 76mm diameter sign post. If you are purchasing the whole system for your next sign project it is nice and easy to match up your sign components. However, if you have posts on site and need to measure them to ascertain the diameter there are 2 easy ways to do this:
1. Measure across the top of the post
Measuring across the top of the post is the easiest way to obtain the diameter , however this is often not practical if the sign posts are already planted in the ground.
2. Measure the circumference and calculate
The second option is to measure the circumference of the circle and then divide that measurement by Pi π ( 3.142). This will work out the diameter from your original measurement. If you forget the calculation, you can always use google or chatgpt to convert circumference into diameter for you.
Are there Sign Post clips made for every post?
Sign Trade Supplies has the best selection of sign post clips in the UK, from a tiny 13mm diameter railing to a 323mm monster post, and everything in between the vast majority of standard size posts and uprights are covered by our extensive range.
However there are many different aluminium and steel profiles to choose on the market, in some scenarios there is not a suitable post clip available to fix you sign. So instead of using a sign clip the best solution is to use a universal channel clamp and banding.
This system provides an adjustable band to fix the sign to any size diameter post you have. The channel clamp slides into the aluminium sign channel and the banding passes through the channel clamps and holds the sign firmly to the post.
Sign post clips are essential for securely mounting any sign blank with an aluminium sign channel, whether attached with bonding tape or flush rivets. These clips fit all standard UK sign channels, ensuring compatibility with various post sizes.
To choose the correct clip, simply match the clip size to the outside diameter of your sign post. You can measure the post's diameter directly or calculate it by measuring the circumference and dividing by Pi (3.142). Sign Trade Supplies offers the UK's best selection of sign post clips, covering a wide range of sizes.
If a specific post clip is unavailable, a universal channel clamp and banding system is an ideal alternative for mounting signs on any post size.
If you need assistance selecting the correct sign fixings, please call the Sign Trade Supplies team at 01622 689410 or use the online chat for expert advice.